McDonald's May be Next to Follow the Kale Trend
NEW YORK CITY, NY - Rumor has it the bringer of milkshakes, Big Macs, and original french fries is now weighing an option of adding kale to the menu as part of its growth into the health trend that is gripping the nation.
"One of our industry sources indicates that McDonald's U.S. plans to roll out kale as an ingredient in its restaurants at some point in the not-too-distant future," Janney Capital Markets, a Philadelphia-based restaurant analyst, wrote in a report, according to WSBT 22.
While the company did put out a commercial in January advertising the Big Mac with an emphasis on iceberg lettuce and the words “Will Never Be Kale” imposed on the screen, it recently acknowledged that consumer tastes aren’t what they used to be and adaptation is necessary.
"Consumer needs and preferences have changed, and McDonald's current performance reflects the urgent need to evolve with today's consumers," the company noted in a sales report released Monday, which reflected a 4 percent decrease in U.S. sales for the month of February.
"McDonald's clearly aims to raise consumers' perception of the quality of its food. Adding kale to the menu in some way could help be a step in this direction," wrote Mark Kalinowski, an equity analyst with Janney Capital Markets, according to the WSBT 22 report.
But the ultimate question still remains - will they or won’t they?
The answer is still unclear, as McDonald’s answer continues to keep us on our toes.
“We continue to listen to our customers, we're always looking at new and different ingredients that they may enjoy," a spokesperson for the company stated, according to the report.
Stay tuned to AndNowUKnow as we continue to report on this developing story.