National Mango Board Announces New Officers For 2021
ORLANDO, FL - A new leadership team is prepping to take on the mango sector as The National Mango Board (NMB) elects new Officers to its Board during its March Board meeting. As dedicated members, the NMB Officers will fulfill their duties and responsibilities by leading the Board in accordance with the Commodity Promotion, Research, and Information Act of 1996 and the Mango Order.
“I’m confident the leadership the NMB has in place will continue our work to move mangos away from being an exotic fruit to a daily necessity in every U.S. household,” said NMB Executive Director Manuel Michel. “Everyone at the NMB is inspired by the exciting future that lies ahead.”
Four industry members were named to various leadership positions on the Board. Clark Golden of Vineland, New Jersey, will serve as Chair. Christopher Ciruli of Tubac, Arizona, will be stepping in as the new Vice Chair.
Michael Warren of Pompano Beach, Florida, will be serving as Secretary, and Marsela McGrane of Los Angeles, California, was elected as Treasurer.
Together with the rest of the Board members, according to the release, the Officers will continue to uphold the NMB’s mission to increase the consumption of mangos in the U.S. by inspiring consumers and educating them about the culture, flavor, and nutrition of mangos while bringing the industry together.
As these new leaders take their positions, AndNowUKnow will keep an eye on the newswire for the latest industry updates.