Naturipe Farms Celebrates National Blueberry Month With Large Volumes; Brian Bocock Comments

Naturipe Farms Celebrates National Blueberry Month With Large Volumes; Brian Bocock Comments

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SALINAS, CA - What is National Blueberry Month without a bevy of retail promotions and the high-quality supplies to back them? In perfect celebration of the 2022 holiday, Naturipe Farms has large volumes of blueberries coming out of several North American growing regions, with peak season having begun in mid-July.

Brian Bocock, Vice President of Product Management, Naturipe Farms“National Blueberry Month comes at the perfect time as many of our North American growing regions are in the middle of peak blueberry season,” shares Brian Bocock, Vice President of Product Management at Naturipe. “These flavorful berries make the perfect, easy summer snack and are healthy to boot—boasting benefits like fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and antioxidants. Blueberries are also low in calories, but their high fiber content leaves you satisfied longer, making them the perfect fresh treat.”

With blueberries currently being produced in Michigan, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, Naturipe Farms will have promotable volumes of its fresh blueberries throughout the remainder of July and August. According to a press release, grocers will be able to stock up their shelves with pint-sized options or larger 18 oz and 32 oz clamshells this season.

Naturipe Farms has large volumes of blueberries coming out of several North American growing regions, with peak season having begun in mid-July

As reported by Naturipe, category pricing was higher in early July, as a result of a demand-exceeds-supply market for the first half of the month.

Naturipe reports plenty of promotional opportunities available from week 29 through the month of August. During this time frame, the company anticipates strong supplies of its jumbo blueberry pack, Mighty Blues.

The blueberry grower reported that the season was running behind schedule in Oregon and Michigan, but Oregon is now approaching its peak, and Michigan will see peak volumes by the middle of July thanks to recent warm weather. British Columbia’s crop is still expected to hit projected volumes, though it is running about two weeks behind compared to last year. The New Jersey growing region is now approaching the end of its blueberry season.

With blueberries currently being produced in Michigan, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia, Naturipe Farms will have promotable volumes of its fresh blueberries throughout the remainder of July and August

With Naturipe’s extensive network of United States growers, the company boasts its standing as Globally Local™, which allows the supplier to offer high-quality blueberries to consumers year-round.

More market updates and industry insights are set to hit the ANUK home page, so stay tuned.


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