Ocean Mist Farms Pushes Frost Kissed™ Artichokes

Ocean Mist Farms Pushes Frost Kissed™ Artichokes

CASTROVILLE, CA - Widespread frosts in California have provided an unanticipated treasure to Ocean Mist Farms this season: Frost Kissed™ artichokes. Available for a limited time, Frost Kissed™ artichokes only develop when temperatures drop below 32 degrees, making them a rare treat to produce departments.

Ocean Mist Farms' Frost Kissed ArtichokesAccording to Ocean Mist's VP of Sales & Marketing Joe Feldman, the impact of frost on artichokes is similar to how human skin reacts to sunburn. Frost can turn the outside layer of the artichoke dark brown, but it then starts to flake and peel. When cooked, this outer layer fades, leaving the familiar soft green artichoke that shoppers will recognize.

Joe Feldman, Vice President of Sales and Marketing, Ocean Mist

“Frosting is strictly a cosmetic condition,” Feldman added in a press release. “While the brownish color may not look pretty, Frost Kissed™ artichokes actually taste wonderful. The cold weather concentrates the natural artichoke flavors into a more intense, nutty flavor.”

In order to combat any confusion that might arise from the difference in outer color, Ocean Mist Farms has implemented an education program to teach consumers about Frost Kissed™ artichokes. This program includes:

  • A website filled with information
  • Pictures and recipes sent to all members of the Artichoke club
  • Display cards sent to retail customers who will be stocking Frost Kissed™ artichokes

“A Frost Kissed™ artichoke is a very unique item that we don’t have every season,” Feldman finished. “Because they are so seasonal, we have to teach shoppers to look for them and be sure to buy them during the short time they are in the stores.”

Ocean Mist Farms' Frost Kissed Artichokes

Following a freeze, artichoke plants take two to three weeks to start producing frost free artichokes again. Keep an eye out for these rare artichokes, and for more information, check out www.oceanmist.com/artichokes/frost-kissed/.

Ocean Mist Farms

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Ocean Mist® Farms

Ocean Mist Farms, a fourth-generation family-owned business in Castroville, CA. and the largest grower of fresh…