Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association Reports Affected Volumes as Weather and Transportation Troubles Persist
MIAMI, FL - The Peruvian Asparagus Importers Association (PAIA) recently discussed the challenges it faces. In a board meeting in Miami, Florida, the association detailed production difficulties and weather patterns presenting challenges.
As outlined in the meeting, unusual weather patterns in both Peru and Mexico have contributed to difficulties in production and exports. PAIA specifically directed attention to cyclone Yaku that reached northern Peru in March of this year. The association cited the National Meteorology and Hydrology Service of Peru, which explained that the climatic phenomenon is an unorganized cyclone, categorized as very abnormal, and which has caused rainfall to increase disproportionately in regions that were predominately dry. In just one day, the affected regions received a year’s worth of rainfall.
The association went on to outline the difficulties presented by El Niño. Heavy rains have impacted asparagus production, harvest, and logistics in the north of Peru. This heavy precipitation delayed the harvest and created other problems in the form of mudslides, floods, and delayed transportation. In areas affected, cities declared a state of emergency, further delaying transportation.
Growing temperatures have also been affected, with average temperatures jumping. As PAIA noted, high temperatures stress production and trigger lower-than-expected harvests.
The PAIA’s membership importers have their sights on a promising fourth quarter as production moves to the south, which has not been affected.
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