Pure Flavor Sponsors the Leamington Triathlon and Kids of Steel Triathlon

Pure Flavor Sponsors the Leamington Triathlon and Kids of Steel Triathlon

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LEAMINGTON, ON - In an effort to promote healthy living, Pure Flavor® sponsored the Leamington Triathlon and Kids of Steel Triathlon this past weekend.


This sponsorship is an extension of Pure Flavor®’s ongoing commitment to support healthier living and eating for our children, our youth and our future.

 Pure Flavor Sponsors the Leamington Triathlon and Kids of Steel Triathlon

“Within the last couple years, we have focused on the snacking category, starting with The Snacking Series and Veggie Snack Pack line. We continue to try new seeds to enhance the whole snacking experience,” said Jamie Moracci, President.  “We are extremely appreciative of the recognition we are receiving on our premium products. We are very excited to have received the Kid’s Choice Award, Best Overall Cucumber Award, and Best Mini Seedless Cucumber Award at the Greenhouse Competitions.”

 Pure Flavor Sponsors the Leamington Triathlon and Kids of Steel Triathlon

Pure Hothouse Foods® welcomes everyone to contribute to increasing awareness of healthier lifestyle choices amongst children by visiting http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/hl-vs/eat-aliment/index-eng.php , http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/ or by contacting the Pure Flavor® Sales Team.


Pure Flavor



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