Purple Earth Takes Home a Certificate of Recognition from City of LA

Purple Earth Takes Home a Certificate of Recognition from City of LA

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LOS ANGELES, CA - After teaming up with Freida's Produce, Steinbeck Farms, and Suntava Purple Corn, June Pagan’s Purple Earth Cuisine was set to present at Los Angeles Food Policy Council’s Future of Food event, only to be given a Certificate of Recognition itself. At the L.A. City Hall-stationed event, approximately 500 people gathered to see purpose vegetables in action, as demonstrations and tastings were on display.

June Pagan serving up some purple pizza

“It was a magical week, in that I connected with so many like-minded caring Permaculture devotees. It’s very exciting. The community gardens represent a place to reduce stress, to connect with your neighbors and to create a source of nourishment, which is desperately needed,” Pagan told me.

Over the course of the week, Pagan used Frieda’s purple veggie donations by having a purple pizza tasting for over 350 people, serving Purple Earth Cuisine for photographers in Montebello’s community garden, and contributing to Feed the People, a community group that is affiliated with Seed Library of Los Angeles.

Purple pickled vegetables

Frieda’s Produce supplied Pagan with purple sweet potatoes, purple potatoes, and purple kohlrabi. Steinbeck Farms offered up purple cauliflower, and Suntava Purple Corn gave Pagan corn flour. After Pagan worked diligently to showcase food highlighting disease-preventative measures, the Certificate of Recognition was a welcome treat!

Karen Caplan, President & CEO, Freida's Specialty Produce“I’ve known June Pagan for over 30 years, and she has always been a pioneer in healthy eating options," commented Karen Caplan, CEO of Frieda's Produce. "She contacted us when she first launched her PurpleEarth Cuisine, as she knew we are kindred spirits: Purple and purple foods are our trademark. She is truly a food artist.

As Pagan continues to navigate the food industry, her hard work will not go unnoticed.

Congratulations to Purple Earth Cuisine for putting your health-focused stamp on the community in which you serve.

Purple Earth Cuisine

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Purple Earth Cuisine

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