RipeLock™ North America's Kevin Frye Talks Differentiating Produce in a Post-Amazon-Whole Foods World

RipeLock™ North America's Kevin Frye Talks Differentiating Produce in a Post-Amazon-Whole Foods World

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PHILADELPHIA, PA - It’s no secret—the retail landscape is changing. With Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods putting both conventional retailers and e-commerce retailers on watch, its now up to produce suppliers to figure out the best ways to get fresh fruits and vegetables to consumers with the highest possible quality.

Kevin Frye, Sales Manager, RipeLock™ North America One way suppliers will be able to achieve this goal, Sales Manager for RipeLock™ North America Kevin Frye tells me, is to use AgroFresh’s RipeLock Quality System. Now in use for bananas, one of the most popular fruits in the produce department and also one of the most susceptible to quality issues, RipeLock is a full chain solution for growers who are looking to meet the high standards of both conventional and online retailers.

In the spirit of helping growers adjust to the changing buy-side arena, I spoke to Kevin about what RipeLock is, and how it can help the supply-side adjust to this brave new world.

What is RipeLock, and does it work to keep banana quality high throughout the supply chain?

Research shows that when purchasing fresh produce, appearance and ripeness are the most important drivers for consumers, even before price. The RipeLock system provides unmatched control over the ripening process, ensuring that bananas retain their freshness throughout the supply chain and reach their ideal coloring in time for consumption. The system consists of two synergistic parts: a specially designed Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) bag and an ethylene-inhibiting application. When included in existing banana programs, the RipeLock system provides benefits throughout the supply chain.

How do you think the needs of retailers in produce will change in the post-Amazon/Whole Foods world?

Retailers need to find ways to differentiate themselves, and, in a grocery world where everyone is selling commodities, delivering fresh produce can make one grocer stand out above the rest. Consumers are finicky about their produce, and being able to offer fruits and vegetables that are fresh can give the competitive advantage they need. Additionally, by reducing spoilage and waste, a product like RipeLock saves money for both retailers and consumers—increasing sales and customer satisfaction.

Do you think high-quality produce is particularly important for online retailers?

As consumers have started to purchase their groceries online, most have relied on the online retailer for their non-perishable items, but still felt it necessary to visit the brick-and-mortar stores to purchase their fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs, milks, etc. Given that consumers’ top priorities are appearance and ripeness, consistent, high-quality produce is critical for every retailer, but it’s especially pertinent for online retailers since customers take a leap of faith when placing their produce orders. If online retailers don’t deliver freshness, trust is not easily regained.

Comparison of traditional vs RipeLock™ technology

With a product like RipeLock, online retailers can provide more consistent quality and a longer shelf-life, which will increase customer loyalty and ultimately drive more sales overall, since consumers are more likely to trust the quality of other perishables. This can really help online retailers that have not been able to succeed at delivering fresh produce to their customers.

How do you think RipeLock can fit into both an Amazon-type retail environment and a more conventional retail environment?

Both conventional and online retailers are looking for high-quality products that look good, taste good, and last long. The major difference is that brick-and-mortar stores want the bananas to have a nice yellow appearance when displayed at the store in order to drive sales; whereas an online retailer would only be concerned with how the bananas arrive at the consumer’s home. In either case, RipeLock delivers extended yellow life and better quality bananas inside and out—unlocking the potential of longer-lasting freshness while reducing waste. RipeLock is just one of AgroFresh’s portfolio of freshness solutions that help to fulfill its mission to minimize food waste and improve produce freshness and quality for the good of the industry, consumers, and planet.

Want to learn more information about how the RipeLock Quality System works and other AgroFresh solutions? Check out the AgroFresh website for all the details.

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