Ryan Lockman Details Tight Berry Market Conditions and North Bay Produce's One-Stop Shop

Ryan Lockman Details Tight Berry Market Conditions and North Bay Produce's One-Stop Shop

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TRAVERSE CITY, MI - The beauty of the berry category can be described in many ways, from its optic appeal and flavor diversity on a year-round continuum to the potential to drive sales in the fresh produce department. As we make headway through the first month of 2022, I connected with berry-growing trailblazer North Bay Produce on current market conditions and what the company’s program is offering this winter.

Ryan Lockman, Vice President of Sales, North Bay Produce“Looking at the state of berries today, demand is exceeding supply on basically all of the four berries, leading to a tight market,” Ryan Lockman, Vice President of Sales, shares with me. “This is because of weather issues in certain growing regions but also due to many logistical issues in getting product from the Southern Hemisphere to the United States market and then distributed to our customers.”

North Bay is currently shipping blueberries from Chile, Mexico, and Peru as well as raspberries from Mexico, blackberries from Mexico, and strawberries from Mexico and Florida to fill customer orders.

North Bay Produce's Ryan Lockman reports that demand for berries is currently exceeding supplies, in part due to weather, leading to a tight market

“We ship year-round on all of our berries and have overlapping programs to ensure our customers are getting product while we are transitioning growing regions,” Ryan says.

With the ability to deliver anywhere within the U.S., this customer service-oriented company is a one-stop shop for the buy-side’s berry needs.

To help meet this demand and provide a year-round supply of berries, North Bay Produce is shipping blueberries from Chile, Mexico, and Peru as well as raspberries from Mexico, blackberries from Mexico, and strawberries from Mexico and Florida

“We take a lot of pride in getting the retailer product even when the conditions are not favorable. With our distribution network, we are able to be very reactive to our retailers’ needs, oftentimes being able to deliver product overnight with short notice,” Ryan reveals.

As the supply chain, weather challenges, and demand continue to impact the market, check back with AndNowUKnow for the latest on the categories driving produce sales.

North Bay Produce

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North Bay Produce

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