Southern Specialties Now Shipping Florida Blueberries

Southern Specialties Now Shipping Florida Blueberries

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POMPANO BEACH, FL - Southern Specialties’ blueberry season is officially open. The company announced it has begun shipping Florida blueberries of all kinds in 6 ounce Southern Selects clamshell casing.

Alex Henderson, Key Account Manager, Southern Specialties“This year’s Florida blueberry crop has nice bloom and great flavor,” Alex Henderson, Key Account Manager for Southern Specialties, said in a press release. “They will ship well and are an excellent product for Florida companies to showcase in their 'Locally Grown' programs.”

This blueberry crop is listed to include Farthing, Flicker, Chickadee and Meadowlark berries. Along with blueberries, Southern Selects’ blackberries and Adelita “premium” variety raspberries are distributed from the Pompano Beach location.

While the company ships blueberries year around, the Florida varieties will be available through April before Southern Specialties shifts to Georgia and the Carolina states.

Southern Specialties

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Southern Specialties

Southern Specialties was founded in 1990 by Robert Colescott, President and CEO of the company. Our mission was to…