Stemilt Growers Enters California Cherry Peak With Large, Flavorful Cherries

Stemilt Growers Enters California Cherry Peak With Large, Flavorful Cherries

STOCKTON, CA - It’s easy pickings for retailers in California's cherry orchards as Stemilt Growers hits the peak of its season, just in time for key retail promotions. In late April, the cherry provider began harvesting and packing fruit in Stockton, California, and is now moving into a three-week window of shipping load volumes to market.

Brianna Shales, Senior Marketing Manager, Stemilt Growers“We’ve started filling the retail pipeline with cherries and are now moving into good volumes for retailers to promote this sought-after seasonal item,” said Brianna Shales, Senior Marketing Manager. “Quality and sizing are fantastic now, and we expect that trend to continue as we harvest and ship Coral and Bings during the peak.”

Up next on the promotional calendar is Memorial Day, which has long served as a big promotional window for California cherries. Stemilt expects this year to be no different and is already encouraging retailers to build cherry displays in high-traffic areas to rack up those impulse sales.

Stemilt Growers’ California cherry orchards are hitting peak season just in time for key retail promotions

“The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed shopping behavior, with online sales up and shoppers making fewer shopping trips each week,” said Shales. “Cherries must be easy to shop online and in-store as this seasonal item is one that delivers a great ring at the register. Fruit quality is going to help drive those impulse sales, and repeat purchases.”

And it isn’t hard to increase impulse purchases when Stemilt is anticipating continued large sizing and high-quality cherries now through Memorial Day.

At the end of the California peak, Stemilt will harvest high-quality Lapins—packed under the 5 River Islands™ brand—from the infamous Delta region. According to a press release, the 5 River Islands brand tells the story of where the cherries come from and offers retailers quality fruit to help make a seamless transition to the company’s Washington cherry crop.

Stemilt Growers expects another successful Memorial Day as it encourages retailers to build cherry displays in high-traffic areas

“Stemilt has the longest cherry season in the country, and we’re thrilled at the size, firmness, and flavor coming out of our California orchards during this first cherry peak,” said Shales. “Our goal is always to share World Famous cherries with shoppers, and the fruit quality right now is sure to delight.”

As we continue moving through the month of May, AndNowUKnow will continue making the latest fresh produce news easy reading for the industry, so stick with us!

Stemilt Growers

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