Superfresh Growers® Honors Scholarship Recipients at Washington Apple Education Foundation Event
YAKIMA, WA - It is no secret that many people desire a college education in their pursuit of a career that they are passionate about. Superfresh Growers® is responding to this desire and doing its part to see that people of all ages can obtain their degree. Superfresh awards scholarships of $5,000 per year of undergraduate studies to employees and their children. At its annual Washington Apple Education Foundation (WAEF) luncheon this year, the company named Joselin Marin as their newest scholarship recipient.
The company dubs its awards as the Kershaw Companies Scholarships. Each year, a new individual is chosen in addition to the students currently completing their undergraduate degrees. 2019 recipient Joselin Marin is the daughter of employees Arcelli Badillo Islas and Oscar Marin Flores. With a 3.9 high school GPA and a passion for education, Joselin plans to study at University of Washington. As stated in a press release, she would like to have an impact on students similar to that which her own teachers bestowed upon her.
In addition to Joselin, three other students continue to receive their scholarships from the company: Adilene Badillo Hernandez, Imelda Andrade Anguiano, and Ilse Manzanarez Leyva. Adilene has worked as a Sales Assistant for Superfresh Growers during the first two years of her scholarship, and plans to transfer to a university and pursue international business.
“All the help I’ve received, big or small, means the world to me,” she said. “I really could not be doing any of this without the love and support from my friends, family, and awesome coworkers.”
Imelda is in her third year at the University of Washington, studing psychology in hopes of working for a nonprofit after graduating. She is the daughter of employee Marisol Anguiano Diaz. To reduce financial stress even further, Imelda closely monitors her budget so she may stay focused on her studies.
Ilse is receiveing her final year of scholarship in her fourth year at Heritage University. Throughout her career as an undergraduate, Ilse has lived at home with her mother, Marissa Manzanarez, an employee at Superfresh, to help pay rent and other expenses. She will graduate next spring with a degree in business administration, hoping to obtain a managerial position.
The final scholarship awarded this year was the Brian Kershaw Memorial Scholarship, given to Carli Short. Carli is the daughter of employees Jay and Keishia Short. She committed to attending George Fox University with plans to pursue a marketing degree and compete on the track and field team.
“I am incredibly honored to receive this award. I’m looking forward to earning my marketing degree and seeing where the future takes me," Short stated at the luncheon.
From watching her parents in the industry, Carli plans to follow her family’s passion for treefruit when she earns her degree.
We, at ANUK, are so thrilled for these bright, young scholarship recipients. Stay with us to follow their journeys to success.