Bayer Announces Grants4Targets Initiative
MONHEIM, GERMANY - In an effort to push forward scientific debate on chemical solutions in crop protection, Bayer has announced its new Grants4Targets initiative. The company is now asking researchers all over the world to work together to find innovative approaches in the field of weed, disease and pest control in crop plants.
“The challenges facing agriculture are so great that we need all of the ideas and creativity from small and big companies, universities and other academic institutions alike,” said Dr. Adrian Percy, Head of Research and Development at Bayer. “We want to talk to scientists from all over the world about their approaches and help to accelerate the transition from fundamental research to products that are ready for the market.”
Using this initiative, Bayer will be providing both financial support and scientific support to promising proposals and ideas. During the fostering phase, the company will provide researchers with its technology for further research into promising ideas and projects, which Bayer says may then develop into regular scientific collaborations.
According to a press release, the Grants4Targets objective is to foster innovative ideas that could contribute to the development of selective and non-selective herbicides, and solutions to control plant disease pathogens (such as fungi) and plant pests (such as insects and nematodes). Bayer’s focus will lie on new molecular targets and mechanisms of action, the company says.
Applications for the program can be submitted on the Grants4Targets website here. The company advises that only non-confidential information should be submitted; the intellectual property will remain entirely in the hands of the inventors throughout the collaboration.
For more information about the program, visit http://grants4targets.bayer.com/cropscience/.