UC Davis Hosts Food, Ag, and Health Solution Summit
DAVIS, CA - The UC Davis Food, Ag, and Health Solution Summit, which took place December 1st through 3rd in Napa Valley, offered everything from an “idea hack” on tackling global challenges, to presentations covering the latest in ag-tech.
“The three-day summit celebrates the launch of the Innovation Institute for Food and Health, a first-of-its-kind collaboration between UC Davis and Mars Inc.,” the university stated in a press release.
A series of events aimed at fostering “uncommon collaborations” around ideas and technology, the summit seeks to better feed a growing and changing world.
Among the numerous highlights were keynote speakers Brian Wilson from Colorado State University, William Rosenzweig of the Culinary Institute of America Food Business School; and Angela Blackwell of PolicyLink, who all spoke at the Innovation Showcase.
The 32-hour app hackathon, as it was called in the release, was broken down into an eventful 3-day calendar, which included:
- A Precision Ag Workshop with industry leaders at the UC Davis Oakville Station and experimental vineyard in the Napa Valley, all on Tues, Dec 1.
- An Idea Hack competition, AgTech Innovation Tour of the Sacramento region, and App Hackathon, based at the UC Davis Conference Center which took place Wed, Dec 2.
- A Food, Ag and Health Innovation Showcase on the closing day, Thurs, Dec. 3.
Organized by the Institute for Food and Health and the World Food Center at UC Davis, sponsors for the summit included Intel, the University of California Global Food Initiative, the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and UC Innovation Alliances and Services.
For more on this and other events UC Davis Food, Ag, and Health is organizing to better the industry, go to worldfoodcenter.ucdavis.edu/solutionsummit/index.