Dispute Resolution Corporation Issues Expulsion Notice for CPS FRUITS & VEGETABLES
CANADA - Alleged violations of the Dispute Resolution Corporation (DRC) license have come across the industry’s radar. The DRC recently issued an expulsion notice for CPS FRUITS & VEGETABLES, announcing that the produce business was expelled from the DRC membership effective November 1, 2023.
Direct from the Dispute Resolution Corporation:
Please be advised that CPS FRUITS & VEGETABLES, 9150 boul. de l'Acadie, Bureau 233, Montreal, QC, Canada, H4N 2T2, was expelled from the DRC membership effective November 1, 2023, for providing false and misleading information to another DRC member and to the DRC with respect to modified Canadian Food Inspection Agency Inspection Certificates. Our records indicate that the responsibly connected party is Franco Maggiore (Sales/Buyer).
This expulsion does not alter the obligations of CPS FRUITS & VEGETABLES to settle disputes under the DRC rules should another member file a claim within nine (9) months from when the claim arose or within nine (9) months from when the claimant ought reasonably to have known of its existence.
Members should always check with the DRC office about any potential implications of possible business relationships with individuals who have been responsibly connected to members who have been terminated or expelled from the DRC.