Greenyard USA/Seald Sweet Launches New Sustainable EcoBox for Grapes; Mayda Sotomayor, Rob Anderholt, and Helena Fernandez Irastorza Share
VERO BEACH, FL - Not only are sustainable practices good for the environment, but they are a boon for upping basket share. Consumers are more commonly on the lookout for sustainable packaging, which has led to the creation of Greenyard USA/Seald Sweet’s latest launch in the table grape category: The EcoBox. The creation of this alternative to plastic clamshells also aligns with the supplier’s corporate sustainability commitment.
“By 2025, we want 100 percent of our consumer packaging to be recyclable. We are looking to create a healthier future for all of us, not only by sourcing high quality produce but also by creating a healthier environment,” states Mayda Sotomayor, Chief Executive Officer.
According to a press release, the EcoBox is a moisture resistant, sturdy, high-graphic box created with clay-coated recyclable paperboard. This packaging solution ensures breathability of the product while allowing consumers to see the excellent quality of the fruit, which, as we know, is integral to securing sales.
The supplier is determined to keep pace with consumer trends, retailer requests, and environmental needs. As such, the company continues to design packaging with eco-friendly alternatives. Not only is the company targeting developments in the grape category, but it is also testing a more sustainable film, which reduces plastic for bagged citrus.
“We noticed the need to develop a new eco-friendly clamshell and took action proactively; we wanted to offer retailers an innovative packaging that was aligned to their sustainable goals,” said Rob Anderholt, Grape Commodity Manager.
Helena Fernandez Irastorza, Marketing Coordinator, also discussed the addition of this new packaging.
“We have tested the 1 lb EcoBox this season on grapes and the results were very positive,” she said. “We are looking forward to implementing this design for our next season and then extending it to other commodities.”
As for the other categories that Greenyard USA/Seald Sweet is targeting for packaging development, we will just have to wait and see.
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