Starbucks Launches Strawberry Very Much Frappaccino Beverage
JAPAN - While it may not quite feel like spring here in California after being pummelled by yesterday’s hail storms, for some Starbucks-obsessed Frappuccino lovers, at least their mouths can get a dose of sunshine. The coffee craftspeople are introducing a new spring treat with a producey-twist—the Strawberry Very Much Frappuccino.
Packed with strawberry pulp from sweet and sour varieties of the fruit and topped with a strawberry whipped cream and a special red powder, the Strawberry Very Much Frappuccino is filled to the brim with real produce. And what a better way to celebrate spring with a taste of the season. According to a translation from the Starbucks Japan website, the Strawberry Very Much Frappuccino is what happens when "sweet and sour strawberries and creamy blend together and spread over the mouth." Sounds weird, but I’m in!
Source Bustle even suggests that the Frapp could be spring's Pumpkin Spice Latte, but, alas—if you're in the U.S., you may have to wait for an act of mercy from stateside execs. It's only being sold at stores in Japan through May 29.
I don’t know about you, but I know I turned on my Google Flight tracker. Catch me strolling through a cherry blossom orchard with one of these babies in-hand.