California Avocado Commission Sponsors Fitbloggin’ 15 Conference

California Avocado Commission Sponsors Fitbloggin’ 15 Conference

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IRVINE, CA - The California Avocado Commission (CAC) drew about 300 influential bloggers, representing the health, wellness, fitness and weight loss/maintenance categories, when it sponsored Fitbloggin’ 15 in Denver, CO, from June 25 through 28.

RD Bonnie Taub-Dix at Fitbloggin’ 15 photographing California Avocados to later communicate with fans on social media.

Fitbloggin’ 15 is a fitness and nutrition blogger conference and is part of CAC’s nutrition communications program.

Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing for the California Avocado Commission“For decades the Commission has disseminated the good news about avocado nutrition, starting with nutrition research and even the famous 'Would this body lie to you?' advertising campaign with Angie Dickinson,” Jan DeLyser, Vice President of Marketing for CAC, said in a press release. “This has evolved over the years to include category nutrition information and Hass Avocado Board research studies while sharing the fresh-to-market advantages of California avocados.”

Jan DeLyser addressing the attendees at Fitbloggin’ 15.

Among a number of activities, CAC staff engaged with bloggers at its Fitbloggin’ 15 booth, providing avocado nutrition information and recipe cards, along with samples and brochures.

Additionally, CAC sponsored a contest to share their favorite superfood snack, made with California avocados and sponsored a luncheon. The winner of the contest was Libby Liming of @miacupcake, and at the luncheon award-winning registered dietitian (RD) Bonnie Taub-Dix MA, RD, LD presented to the attendees. In her presentation she highlighted:

  • Nutritional benefits and versatility of California avocados.
  • Food culture shifts.
  • Consumer preferences in eating.
  • Media messages influencing how we eat.

According to CAC, the Commission continues to work with five media-savvy registered dietitians, to further communicate the nutrition benefits of California-grown avocados to consumers and other influencers, which present California avocados to RD audiences at annual nutrition conferences and communicate the nutritional qualities of avocados.

Left to Right: Jan DeLyser with Chef Jennifer Jasinski (the first Denver Chef to win The James Beard Foundation Best Chef Southwest Award) and RD Bonnie Taub-Dix at the CAC-sponsored luncheon at the Chef’s restaurant Euclid in Denver.

“Our RD Ambassadors have made significant contributions in spreading avocados’ good nutrition story, which is an important factor in growing category demand,” DeLyser said. “These key influencers also are outstanding advocates for the California avocado brand.”

Katie Ferraro, MPH, RD, CDE, NBC San Diego Television PersonalitySan Diego-based Katie Ferraro, MPH, RD, CDE has an NBC San Diego segment titled, “Nutrient Boosting Snacks,” featuring a recipe developed by Ferraro, California Avocado Cucumber Cups, as well as whole avocados with California labels. On a segment titled “All Things Avocado - Peak Season Produce” for the San Diego Living program, Ferraro discussed avocados as a superfood, giving viewers California avocado selection and preparation tips.

California Avocado Commission

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California Avocado Commission

Created in 1978, the California Avocado Commission strives to enhance the premium positioning of California avocados…