Driscoll's Highlights it Blackberry Initiatives and Growing Program

Driscoll's Highlights it Blackberry Initiatives and Growing Program

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WATSONVILLE, CA - Flavorful, beautiful berries. Welcome to What’s in Store.
Driscoll’s spring blackberry offering is a success story based on traditional plant breeding methods with a healthy dose of persistence.
About 20 years ago, we found one of our varieties to be the best tasting blackberry variety we had ever created. Five years ago, after much hard work and tens of thousands of crosses of existing varieties having desired characteristics in the areas of flavor, yield, appearance, shelf-life and fruit size, we found ourselves in the position of having not one, but two new varieties whose flavor surpassed those before it.  
Even better news, is that they are very desirable to growers from an agronomic standpoint. Meaning that they yield well, are manageable using existing production methods, and they convey some resistance to common pests and diseases in their targeted growing regions.
The bottom line is that growers realize that the economics of these varieties make good sense for them, and so they are planting a lot and asking for more!
You don’t need to make a pie out of them to make them taste good, or put them in yogurt with a spoonful of sugar. They are fantastic all by themselves. These are all positive impacts against our mission ‘To Continually Delight Consumers through Alignment with our Customers and our Berry Growers.’
As the weather warms up in Mexico and these varieties hit their ‘peak of flavor,’ act quickly and contact your sales rep for your spring blackberry program. From the last two weeks in March through the first two weeks in May, our blackberry offering in our ‘yellow triangle’ clamshells will almost exclusively be comprised of these delightful varieties.
Thank you for watching, What’s In Store.

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