2017 Tip Murphy Legacy Golf Tournament to Support the United Fresh Start Foundation

2017 Tip Murphy Legacy Golf Tournament to Support the United Fresh Start Foundation

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LOVELAND, OH – Produce folks looking to contribute to a worthy cause while networking with colleagues across the industry, should sign-up for the 2017 Tip Murphy Legacy Golf Tournament. Scheduled for Monday, August 28, at Tip’s hometown course, the Oasis Golf Club located just outside Cincinnati, this event will honor Tip’s legacy of service to the produce industry, while raising funds in support of the United Fresh Start Foundation’s mission to increase children’s access to fresh fruits and vegetables.

Andrew Marshall, Director of Programs and Partnerships, United Fresh Start Foundation“We’re looking forward to another great networking event that brings folks in the industry together and helps raise funds for a good cause,” said Andrew Marshall, Director of Programs and Partnerships for the United Fresh Start Foundation. “We appreciate the Tip Murphy Committee’s continued interest and support of our work; helping to provide salad bars to schools and making it easy for kids to choose fresh produce, whenever they’re looking for their next snack or meal. It’s something that’s clearly good for the kids, and the produce industry.”


This is the fourth year that proceeds from the Tip Murphy Legacy Golf Tournament will support the United Fresh Start Foundation. So far, this event has helped provide salad bars to 16 schools in nine states, and supported the foundation’s programs to increase children’s access to fresh produce. This year, tournament organizers are, once again, looking to provide salad bars to schools and to grow the impact of the foundation.

Bob Spence, VP, Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc.“We value this opportunity to connect with industry colleagues, reminisce about our friend Tip, and raise funds for an organization that’s helping increase kids produce consumption,” said Bob Spence, Vice President, Del Monte Fresh Produce N.A., Inc., and a member of the Tip Murphy Advisory Committee. “Golf, visiting with customers and friends, and raising funds for a worthwhile cause–we know many folks are looking forward to it.”

To date, the United Fresh Start Foundation and their partners in the national Salad Bars to Schools initiative have helped provide salad bars to over 5,000 schools, benefitting 3 million children from all 50 states. The foundation also hosted over 50 leading K-12 school foodservice directors for networking and education sessions at United’s June convention in Chicago, and in the year ahead, the foundation will be working with 10 innovative, community-based non-profit organizations to support programs to increase children’s access, consumption, and knowledge of fresh produce, during the times when they are not at school.

Salad bar

Registration includes lunch, 18 holes with cart, contest holes–including closest-to-the-pin and longest drive–and an awards reception featuring raffle and auction prizes. Attendees can register a foursome, or as an individual.

For more information, contact Andrew Marshall at 202.303.3407, or visit http://www.unitedfresh.org/events-programs/tip-murphy/.

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