Cal-Organic Farms' Bob Borda Discusses Potato, Onion, Watermelon, and Sweet Corn Markets
BAKERSFIELD, CA - Since the Met Gala red carpet earlier this week, I’ve had a hankering for bright, campy colors that ooze happiness and cheer, and I’ve been on a hunt to fill my life with these hues in any way, shape, or form. In produce aisles, Cal-Organic Farms is making sure consumers across the country aren’t missing out on the opportunity to literally taste the rainbow, with an onslaught of spring offerings hitting shelves now.
“We’re currently shipping organic red and gold potatoes, and we’ll start shipping yellow onions, watermelons, and sweet corn next week,” Bob Borda, Vice President Organic Sales, shared with me. “We’re also gearing up to ship rainbow fingerlings at the end of this month and russets mid-June. So far, volumes of our seasonal items are on par with last year.”
Bob went on to explain that Cal-Organic’s potato program is performing well this year, with its gold potatoes in particular turning it out in produce aisles with great color, consistent shape, and strong, smooth skin, which to Bob is “phenomenal.” And, to add great on top of great, the potato market is strong at the moment.
“We’re seeing good demand for fresh crop organic potatoes this season and a lower supply across the market, which is driving higher prices,” Bob said. “And, to top it all off, we’re anticipating good quality and supply for our upcoming dry onion, corn, green bean, and watermelon programs, based on the weather patterns we experienced this season.”
We love positive market updates here at ANUK!
Cal-Organic offers its seasonal crops in a variety of pack sizes and bulk solutions to suit all retail, foodservice, and industrial needs. Bob also noted that the grower’s national merchandising team is on hand and ready to support Cal-Organic’s customers by providing ideas and strategies for secondary displays, cross-merchandising opportunities, and POS material to support the seasonal offerings.
For more crop and market updates throughout the year, keep checking back with AndNowUKnow.