Bee Sweet Citrus' Heirloom Navels Set the Bar for Retail Citrus Programs

Bee Sweet Citrus' Heirloom Navels Set the Bar for Retail Citrus Programs

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FOWLER, CA - Life just got a whole lot better for us citrus lovers, as Bee Sweet has announced that its Heirloom Navels are officially in season and will be available through the end of California’s citrus domestic season.

Keith Watkins, Vice President of Farming, Bee Sweet CitrusKeith Watkins, Vice President of Farming, Bee Sweet Citrus“For decades, our growers have worked diligently to exceed our consumer’s standards in taste and quality,” said Keith Watkins, Vice President of Farming. “Heirloom Navels continue to set the bar for excellence due to their high brix levels and exceptional flavor.”

One of California’s oldest varieties, Heirloom Navels are typically grown under close watch on blocks of trees ranging anywhere from 40–60 years old, according to a press release. This special variety is expected to be available through May and can be found in vibrant packaging and 3 and 4 lb bags that shoppers won’t be able to take their eyes off of. And while the packaging may be what draws them in, it’s the quality of these delicious Navels that keeps them coming back.

Joe Berberian, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet CitrusJoe Berberian, Sales Representative, Bee Sweet Citrus“When it comes to citrus, customers can rely on Heirloom Navels because they’re never compromised by acidity,” said Sales Representative, Joe Berberian. “The work of our farm and production teams, coupled with the technology of our Brix machines, guarantees consumers an exceptional piece of fruit every time they turn to our brand.”

Bee Sweet Citrus has also reported a strong supply of its Cara Cara Navels, Navel Oranges, Blood Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit, and Minneola Tangelos.

Bee Sweet Citrus announced that its Heirloom Navels are officially in season and will be available through the end of California’s citrus domestic seasonBee Sweet Citrus announced that its Heirloom Navels are officially in season and will be available through the end of California’s citrus domestic season

What better way to drive category sales than by offering juicy, quality citrus that no one can refuse? Keep an eye out for AndNowUKnow as we bring you all you need to know about the fresh produce industry.

Bee Sweet Citrus

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Bee Sweet Citrus

Bee Sweet Citrus was founded in 1987 as an independent packer and shipper of California oranges. As our business grew, we…