Sambrailo's Sara Lozano Discusses Entry into Canadian Market and ReadyCycle® Packaging Win
WATSONVILLE, CA - Celebrating the success of its entry into the Canadian market alongside its former Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) packaging win, Sambrailo continues to think ahead in terms of market value. I recently spoke with Sara Lozano, who handles the company’s Marketing and Product Development, to learn more.
“It was our first year exhibiting at CPMA, and we know the Canadian produce market—and the country as a whole—has been requesting and making great moves toward plastic-free packaging,” Sara told me. “We were thrilled to be received so warmly by the industry there and excited to see what’s in store for us in the coming year in Canada.”
The next step as Sambrailo expands in the Canadian market is to get its proprietary packaging, ReadyCycle®, into the hands of growers and farmers across that country.
“Shipping is our number-one hurdle with getting ReadyCycle available to those requesting it. We design and manufacture ReadyCycle in California, and we are working toward having other manufacturing locations in the future to make it more accessible to the East Coast and Canada,” Sara noted.
Here in the States, ReadyCycle has become a notable name in sustainable packaging, which is due in large part to Sambrailo’s dedication.
“We have worked hard on developing designs, materials, and coatings to best serve not only the produce but our environment, the farmer, and community,” Sara emphasized. “Having a package for produce that is 100 percent recyclable, home-compostable, and doesn’t compromise on communicating a grower or brand’s story has been tremendously beneficial in making ReadyCycle the success it is today. Our goal is to continue this momentum throughout the United States and North America.”
Exciting times ahead for Sambrailo! Be sure to stay tuned with us here at AndNowUKnow for the latest industry updates.