Southern Specialties Launches the “Fresh Generation” Image Campaign

Southern Specialties Launches the “Fresh Generation” Image Campaign

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POMPANO BEACH, FL - Southern Specialties is launching a new series of print ads to run in industry publications, highlighting millennial interest with its “Fresh Generation” image campaign.

The new campaign promotes the company’s veggies and fruits as being “perfect for today’s Fresh Generation.”

Charlie Eagle, Vice President of Business Development, Southern Specialties

“Our products hit the sweet spot for millennials interested in purchasing fresh produce,” said Charlie Eagle, Vice President of Business Development. “This campaign reinforces that fact to our customers.”

According to the company’s campaign, Southern Specialties’ veggies and fruits are “perfect for today’s Fresh Generation.”

Geno Valdes, VP of Sales and Marketing, Southern SpecialtiesGeno Valdes, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Southern Specialties explained, “When celebrity chefs feature produce like baby rainbow carrots, yellow and green French beans or purple asparagus, in their shows, it resonates with today’s shopper. Our lineup is available in a pack and size perfect for the generation that wants quick, easy, and healthy choices.”

Several of the ads will be printed in groups of two showcasing both bulk products, grown and imported by Southern Specialties, and the company’s Southern Selects value-added line, according to a press release.

“These ads are a departure from previous campaigns,” said Eagle. “We decided to use employees, friends and their families as models. They all fall within the target demographic group and enjoy the fruits and vegetables we bring to market. We had great fun doing the photo shoots and I think that shows in the ads.”

The company has produced a brief video of the photo shoots which can be seen above and on YouTube.

Southern Specialties

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Southern Specialties

Southern Specialties was founded in 1990 by Robert Colescott, President and CEO of the company. Our mission was to…