Don’t Forget to Register Your Drone with the FAA; 45,000+ Already Registered

Don’t Forget to Register Your Drone with the FAA; 45,000+ Already Registered

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USA - In all the craze of the holidays it is almost too easy to forget minor things like registering your holiday gifts and latest technological tools. So, the FAA is providing a strong incentive: fines upwards of $27,000.

As we previously reported, the FAA issued a ruling that all drones purchased after December 21st would have to be registered before it even takes off, while those purchased before have until February 19th to register.

Register Your Drone by Clicking Here

Registration is free for the first 30 days of the program, and $5 dollars per drone after that. Infinitely better than the maximum civil penalty fine of up to $27,500 you could be hit with for flying without the proper paperwork.

If criminal penalties are applied, which can happen if flying in “no fly” zones, penalties can be a fine of up to $250,000 or three years in prison, according to NBC.

The strict reprimands the FAA have in place seem to be working. Gizmodo reports that more than 45,000 drones were registered within the first 48 hours of the launch of the online registration.

Registration is valid for three years, and can be applied for online by going here. Once the application is processed, applicants will receive a certificate with an identification number which must be marked on the aircraft. The FAA also stated when it announced the process that the owner should have a copy of his/her registration on hand while flying their craft.

The FAA requires registration for all drones weighing between 250 grams and 55 pounds at takeoff.

FAA Drone Online Registration