California Sun Dry's Head of Administration Loucy DeAtley Discusses Versatility of Sun Dried Tomatoes

California Sun Dry's Head of Administration Loucy DeAtley Discusses Versatility of Sun Dried Tomatoes

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ORLANDO, FL - With consumers and retailers both looking for ways to bring strong flavors to the plate, California Sun Dry is well-positioned to capitalize. I spoke with Loucy DeAtley, Head of Administration for the company, about the ways in which the brand is working to educate retailers on the enormous sales potential and ample culinary possibilities that sun-dried tomato offers to consumers.

Loucy DeAtley, Head of Administration, California Sun Dry

“Most are not familiar with how rich, how diverse, and how flavorful a sun dried tomato can be—especially after the fresh tomato season," remarked Loucy at the well-attended PMA Fresh Summit. "It can add flavor to soups, to stews, to meatloaves, and especially to the things we have on our website.”

Farmers sorting sun drying tomatoes

California Sun Dry’s website offers a wealth of nutritional facts and product information, as well as a variety of recipe ideas that retailers can reference to better acquaint themselves with the versatile dried fruit. 

California Sun Dry Products

For more details on California Sun Dry and the delicious possibilities sun-dried tomatoes can offer, watch the full video above.  

California Sun Dry